Friday, December 17, 2010

5 Jane-ish Things (of Some or Little Importance)

I think I might change the title of this blog to Jane Austen Slacker.  Where does the time go and where to my blog posts go that I write as I'm drifting off to dreamland?  Surely, Jane is finding them across the mist and is pleased by my thoughts, at least.

Here's a short recap of thoughts and ruminations Jane related since my last true post.  (Excluding birthday wishes.)

1. I watched "Jane Austen in Manhattan", circa 1980, as one of my "things" in the Everything Austen challenge.  I have one word to say about it: BAD.  So bad I'm not sure what to say or write. I'm just speechless.  I really struggled with the premise, the idea and the well, just plain old strangeness of the story and characters.  Not really a whole lot of Jane Austen here.  The one and only highlight:  A very, very young Sean Young.  I think it was her first movie--ever.  Overall, not worth my time.  Slightly regretting the time I spent watching it, although I think I got some laundry folded. (At least I can tick off an EA item?)

2.  As seen in the Janeite blogosphere:  From the website Single Minded Women...They are offering up a series of "What Would Jane Austen Do?"  to their blog/article post.  Priceless relationship advice from Jane's POV.  I suggest reading them.

3. Also as seen in the Janeite blogosphere:  Read this article:  "Colin, Go Jump in the Lake.  Wait, don't!" by Scott Herhold from the San Jose Mercury News.  If this article doesn't make you smile, nothing will.  (I've heard Colin Firth is up for some serious Oscar nods with "The King's Speech."  Must see this before the Oscars...!)

4. Why I Wish I Had A HECK OF A LOT OF CASH! Austen family china available at auction?!? AND some of Martha Lloyd's copies of Austen's books?  Drool! (And no that wasn't a zombie...)

5. Blush.  Awww shucks! I was mentioned on a blog:  Laurel Ann at Austenprose mentioned me in some of the JA Blogs in the blogosphere.  I'm flattered and blushing, but really.  This momofa2yrold, schoollibrarianwhoonlyreadsllamallamaredpajama, janeiteluciddreamingbloggerwhodoesn'thavetimetoshaveherlegsletanloneblog does not deserve the nod! (Again, I am contemplating changing the name of this blog to JA Slacker.  Any artists want to help make me a cute header to go with that thought?)  Sigh, blush and well, I'd better get my act together and try to work on writing inspiring thoughts (and maybe some new ones rather than just reporting what I see/read in the Janeite blogworld). (At least the librarian in my knows about copyright etc. and I don't steal content from others without citing my sources properly!)  Anyway, I guess I've just discovered what one of my new year's resolution needs to be:  write some fabulously witty thoughts regarding JA.  (Hmmmm.....does it count if I write them in my head and they never make it to paper/computer?)


Laurel Ann (Austenprose) said...

You are most welcome for the shout out and I am glad to see you posting again. I missed your voice.

Laurel Ann (Austenprose) said...

PS there does not seem to be anyway to contact you via e-mail from your blog. Can you e-mail me? Thanks, LA