Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Time Is It?

It's 2 am and I'm sitting in bed reading on my laptop.  I'm not sure this is the best thing to be doing--should be well, 1. SLEEPING.  2. reading a book from my pile that is growing exponentially or 3. at least emptying the dishwasher or folding clothes.  Instead, I woke up for my usual mid-sleep potty break and find myself here.  AWAKE.  How is it possible to be so extremely exhausted, and not able to sleep?  Seriously.  Since starting back to work, I haven't had the preggo insomnia that got to me in the summer--I think pure exhaustion from work (school) is the *nice* cause of my ability to sleep and sleep hard but somehow it's back tonight.  Again, seriously?  I was so exhausted trying to put the kiddo down to bed, and then talk on the phone to both parents and hubby (did I mention it's Single Mom Week Here at JAA?) that I was barely coherent and hardly able to stand straight...and now....Hmmm....

I lament the at least 2 books sitting to be reviewed/blogged about on my nightstand.  Really, I need to find the time to at least blog the 2 books I'm done with...I lament the entire basket of books to read--both JA fanfic and YA.  Instead, I'm catching up on my favorite organizing blog (nesting much these days?) and stalking random friends on FB.  Not good. I might need to "block" FB and Google Reader from myself for a while.

In other excitement, I received my first, sort of, official book to review from an author/publisher yesterday.  There was some giddy excitement as I ripped open the envelope and looked at it!  Really, if I could get my act together and work on my book review skills, I'd blog more and work on reviewing a bit more full time.

But in the meantime...
I cringe at /wallow in/get through (and yes, sometimes delight, I admit)  A: the perils of iMovie 6 and its bugs at work. (Insert several swear words here.)  B: The eternal:  "Mrs. B. do you remember that one book that's blue and has a tree on the cover?  It's about this girl...." (Seriously, kiddo there are X number of books in the library and N are blue....but yes, I do actually....) and finally...

C: Did I mention that tomorrow is an evening equivalent to Parent/Teacher Conference night at work?  Beware of the Sleep Deprived (Pregnant) Mom.  'Nuff Said.

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