One of my summer projects was to get some of my old negatives put onto CD's and thus begin the digitization of some great photos. Ok, and who can resist the great megastore Costco and it's cheap photo lab!? I started with my first British adventure. England, Scotland and a bit of Wales with my parents in July 1996. (Don't worry, Mom and Dad, no people photos here. You're safe!)
And so, on this rainy August day, this Anglophile reminisces about various points in Great Britain.

The main bath from the Roman Baths in Bath, England. (Was the word bath ever used in a sentence more frequently?) A grey drizzly day, we wandered around with our self guided tour and enjoyed the Roman baths and the city. Remember the Royal Crescent (which I don't have a picture of, so that must not have been my film.)? Remember the excitement that Jane would have seen it and she would have walked those streets? Ahhh, the beginnings of the Jane fix sets in.

Scott's View--Sir Walter Scott's favorite view of the Eildon Hills from Bemersyde. It is said that the horse pulling Scott's hearse to internment stopped at this spot as it usually did on its daily rambles with its master. Sigh. I had this photo framed for many years.

The Thames, Parliament and Big Ben. Need I say more?

And Tintern Abby in Wales. We did one of those brief, "Let's take this road and then you can say you've been in Wales" journeys on our tour. We stopped at the beautiful and peaceful abbey that Wordsworth wrote his poem,
Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a tour, July 13, 1798. And now for a spot of tea and a biscuit...
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